May 22, 2019

Native Language and Statements to Law Enforcement

Statements individuals make to law enforcement officers are difficult to suppress and are often relied upon by prosecutors at trial. Additionally, tensions or stress levels may […]
May 3, 2019

Do You Get to Keep Your Inheritance in a Divorce?

Under New Jersey law, inherited assets are exempt from equitable distribution and remain the separate property of the spouse that inherited the property. This means that […]
February 15, 2019

Juvenile Justice in NJ

Approaches to Juvenile Justice Reform Since 2003, New Jersey drastically reduced the number of incarcerated juveniles. The state participates in the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI), […]
January 30, 2019

Discovery and Divorce

What is discovery? During the divorce process, there is a period known as the discovery period. The length of this period can be decided by the […]
January 10, 2019

Violation of Probation in NJ?

What is Probation? Our clients often ask, “What happens if I violate the terms of my probation?” Individuals often receive probation for a period of one to five […]